Equally informative and appetite-whetting. -- The Horn Book One of the best parts of a young child's day is opening a lunchbox and diving in. But how did that delicious food get there? From planting wheat to mixing dough, climbing trees to machine-squeezing fruit, picking cocoa pods to stirring a vat of melted bliss, here is a clear, engaging look at the steps involved in producing some common foods. Health tips and a peek at basic food groups complete the menu.
Back matter includes an index.
Author: Chris Butterworth
Publisher: Candlewick Press (MA)
Published: 02/12/2013
Pages: 32
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.40lbs
Size: 10.00h x 8.20w x 0.40d
ISBN: 9780763665036
Back matter includes an index.
Author: Chris Butterworth
Publisher: Candlewick Press (MA)
Published: 02/12/2013
Pages: 32
Format: Paperback
Weight: 0.40lbs
Size: 10.00h x 8.20w x 0.40d
ISBN: 9780763665036
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