Chopsticks and wok are the natural companions of one of the most tasty cuisine in the world. Chinese food is far from the greasy dishes you can find in low graded restaurants. Chinese food is rich, crunchy, spicy and balanced, with hundreds of different dishes from noodles to proteins.
China is one of the biggest countries in the world and its cuisine differs a lot from north to south in terms of seasoning and cooking techniques, for reasons linked with the territory that goes from subarctic region to the tropical seas and partly due to historically different influences.
The basis of Chinese cuisine are posed on rice and wheat, staple food necessary to feed a population of over 1.3 billion people. Soybean products, vegetables and spices, such as Sichuan peppercorn, cloves and cinnamon, along side poultry and red meat complete the picture of a complex, tasty and entertaining cuisine, that can be easily replicated at home with ingredients found in the local supermarkets.
In Chinese Cookbook by Maki Blanc you will learn:
- How to cook authentic Chinese food at home
- 70 easy recipes for traditional Chinese food
- Easy to follow recipes for the most famous and exciting Chinese recipes
If you like strong flavors and you are ready to discover that Chinese cuisine is far deeper than a couple of dumplings, this cookbook is for you!
Scroll up, click on buy it now and get your copy today!
Author: Maki Blanc
Publisher: Charlie Creative Lab Ltd Publisher
Published: 03/25/2021
Pages: 102
Format: Hardcover
Weight: 0.68lbs
Size: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.31d
ISBN: 9781802519334
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