Water gives us life. It is the source of healing, energy, and cleansing.
Water is an all-purpose cleanser both inside and out of the body. It is an abundant and effective agent for washing away dirt, germs, and bacteria. All our tissues, vital fluids, and secretions contain a large percentage of water. Water is of great importance in maintaining health. It is the basic component of all existing things.
A glass of water acts as a bath for the digestive system, cleansing and refreshing it. If we could follow the stream of water into the hidden places of our bodies, we would see it washing away the poisons in the blood that are circulating through the kidneys. The kidneys must work harder if the body doesn't get enough water.
A glass of water acts as a bath for the digestive system, cleansing and refreshing it. If we could follow the stream of water into the hidden places of our bodies, we would see it washing away the poisons in the blood that are circulating through the kidneys. The kidneys must work harder if the body doesn't get enough water.
There's Nothing Else Like it
Other beverages are unable to purify like water. Soda and coffee can no more clean the inside of your body than they can the outside. All the chemical processes by which the body operates require an adequate supply of water in order to keep the body functioning at peak efficiency. If water is not made available, the body consequently suffers and cannot do its work properly.
A lack of water dehydrates the fluids, tissues, and cells of the body. It causes the blood to thicken, increasing the risks of stroke and heart disease. Dehydration can mimic hypoglycemia, causing headaches, tiredness, and fainting spells.
Practical Advice
The body loses at least ten cups of water every day. The food we eat provides two to four cups of water, so we need to drink at least six to eight glasses each day to replace the difference.
Pure plain water is the best way to replace the fluid you need. Many sugar-laden beverages actually result in a loss of water from the system, because it requires more water to metabolize the sugar in a drink than the drink itself provides. Caffeine and alcohol are both diuretics that cause the body to lose water. You need an extra glass of water for every high-sugar, caffeinated, or alcoholic beverage you drink.
As much as we need to drink water, one time that we should NOT drink water is with meals. Drinking with meals dilutes the gastric juice and slows the digestive process.
The best time to drink water is between meals—20 minutes before a meal, and not until 2 hours after a meal—to obtain maximum digestion of your meal. When you are ill, drink plenty of water. This replaces any fluid lost during a fever and ensures that every part of your body will function well.
Water regulates the body's temperature, acts as a medium for cellular reproduction, and keeps tissues soft and permeable. Water is the essence of life.
External water treatments can also be helpful, in some cases, in helping the sick get well. Hydrotherapy was the name given to these water treatments, which rally and stimulate the body in the healing process. Frequent bathing also helps our largest organ—the skin—to eliminate toxins effectively.
Find out about the types of water available on the market today.
Read about the next law of health: Sunlight. Updated January 2009.
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"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing